Akua Liquid Pigment Modifiers
A variety of modifiers are available for special effects and for changing the consistency of the ink.
Tack Thickener Thickens Akua Liquid Pigment for use with brayers. Add about 10% Tack Thickener to 90% ink. It is medium amber in color and the consistency of molasses.
Blending Medium Create wash effects or use as a resist in monotype printmaking. It is a clear liquid. (Also used to thin Akua Intaglio ink.)
Retarder Slows drying rate and acts as a release for Akua Liquid Pigment. A few drops in the ink are essential when printing on dry paper. Especially helpful in hot, dry or very cold climates. It is a clear liquid.
Extender Makes Akua Liquid Pigment more transparent and reconstitutes air thickened ink. It is light amber in color with a liquid consistency.
Release Agent Highly recommended for monotype printing with Akua Liquid Pigment, this modifier helps produce rich prints with minimal pressure. Also can be rolled over a ghost impression, then printed for a more complete transfer of the remaining ink to the paper.