McClain's is a Mail Order business. We are not open to the public.
Online or phone orders only.
Email: mail [at]
Orders: 800.832.4264 Monday - Friday, 10:00 to 5:00 Pacific Time
International Orders:
Calling from Canada: +1.503.641.3555
Calling from other countries requires an exit code to signal your phone system that you are calling
internationally. To find your country's exit code, do this online search: "[your country's name] exit code".
The US Country Code is "1". So to call McClain's, enter your country's exit code, then enter 1.503.641.3555.
Phone: 503.641.3555
Fax: 503.641.3591
Mailing Address:
McClain's Printmaking Supplies
PO Box 230759
Tigard, OR 97281-0759 USA