Catalogs are shipped by First Class Mail.
When you request a catalog, your name is automatically added to McClain's email Newsletter list. If you do not want to receive the Newsletter, please let us know.
Free Catalogs Are Available
If you are placing an order, feel free to request a free copy of the catalog. After you order from McClain's, if you live in the U.S., you are placed on our mail list and a free hard copy catalog is sent to you yearly. (Due to shipping cost, we do not automatically mail catalogs to addresses outside of the U.S.) Your name is dropped from the list if you do not place another order within three years.
Free Catalogs for Teachers and Printmaking Organizations
If you teach or promote printmaking in the U.S. we are happy to send a free catalog to you plus extra copies to pass out to students and other interested people. Please email us at catalog [at] imcclains.com and let us know how many catalogs you would like us to send.
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Free Downloadable CatalogDue to increased costs and our commitment to produce less waste, our catalog can now be downloaded as a PDF file (requires free Adobe Reader).