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Carving Tools

Professional Quality Tools

Futatsu Wari Moku Hanga To

Highest Quality Hand Forged Carving Tools

Moku Hanga Nomi

Large Hand Forged Chisels and Gouges

Superior Quality Tools

Josei Moku Hanga To

Hand Forged Carving Tools

Standard Quality Tools

Namisei Moku Hanga To

Machine Forged Carving Tools, best value

Aogami Moku Hanga To NEW!

Machine Forged Carving Tools from Michihamono

Tool Sets

Professional Tool Sets

Namisei Moku Hanga To Sets

Aogami Four Tool Set

Specialty Tools

NT Stencil Cutter

Also cuts paper, wood and linoleum

Utility Knife

Utility Knife Utility Knife blades

NT Utility Knife

Cut through thick stacks of paper with this heavy-duty utility knife. Use the screw-stopper to expose the blade and then hold it firmly in place. The blades are scored so when a new edge is needed, use the safe and handy triangular blade snapper to expose a fresh edge.

  Size Price Enter Quantity
C2843 NT Utility Knife with 3 replacement blades and blade snapper $9.95

C2844 Replacement blades, box of 50 $26.58

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