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Carving Tools

Professional Quality Tools

Futatsu Wari Moku Hanga To

Highest Quality Hand Forged Carving Tools

Moku Hanga Nomi

Large Hand Forged Chisels and Gouges

Superior Quality Tools

Josei Moku Hanga To

Hand Forged Carving Tools

Standard Quality Tools

Namisei Moku Hanga To

Machine Forged Carving Tools, best value

Aogami Moku Hanga To NEW!

Machine Forged Carving Tools from Michihamono

Tool Sets

Professional Tool Sets

Namisei Moku Hanga To Sets

Aogami Four Tool Set

Specialty Tools

NT Stencil Cutter

Also cuts paper, wood and linoleum

Utility Knife

Josei Magari Sho To

Josei Magari Sho To
bent neck knife

Magari (bent) neck tools are made to be held like a pencil or in a clenched fist, a real help to people who cannot hold tools in the traditional way.

Special Order Only
Magari Sho To will be ordered when we place our next order from our supplier in Japan. Please allow 3 to 6 months for delivery. You will be charged for the tool plus shipping from McClain's to you when you place the order. Once the order has been placed with the supplier in Japan, there are no returns or refunds.

  Size Price Enter Quantity
C2622 1.5mm $20.35

C2623 2.0mm $20.35

C2624 3.0mm $20.35

C2625 4.5mm $21.08

C2626 6.0mm $22.40

C2627 7.5mm $26.20

C2628 9.0mm $28.45

C2629 10.5mm $33.00

C2630 12.0mm $35.95

C2631 15.0mm $45.25

C2632 18.0mm $52.25

C2633 21.0mm $67.18

C2634 24.0mm $78.95

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