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Engraving Tools
Oil stone and Crocker

Crocker Sharpener

A precision holder with adjustments for both pitch and angle, the Crocker Sharpener holds engraving tools at a set position against the sharpening stone. This ensures that the sharpened face of the tool will be absolutely flat, resulting in precise razor-sharp edges, something that is virtually impossible to achieve by holding the tool against the stone with your fingers.

Richard Woodman, the creator of Resingrave, highly recommends the Crocker Sharpener and says he never leaves home without it. His book Relief & Intaglio Printmaking Methods on Resingrave Blocks includes detailed instructions on using the Crocker Sharpener.

The Crocker Sharpener only works with engraving tools. It cannot be used to sharpen woodcut tools.

Oil Stone not included. To order the Oil Stone shown on this page, click here.

Shipping weight: 0.5 lb

Crocker Sharpener

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C3500 Crocker Sharpener

Sharpening stone in photo NOT INCLUDED