Pia Oste Alexander teaches white line woodblock printing at The Woodstock School of Art. Her work has been exhibited around the world, most recently in The 4th KIWA Print Exhibition 2003, in Kyoto, Japan, where her print Two Fish won the JAWK (Japanese America Women of Kansai) Prize.
Annie Bissett began making Japanese woodblock prints in 2005 after studying with printmaker Matt Brown (see below). Her prints have been shown in a number of printmaking exhibitions and she is represented by Cullom Gallery in Seattle. More of Annie's work can be seen at her web site www.anniebissett.com or on her blog woodblockdreams.blogspot.com where she documents the progress of her prints step by step. Annie offers water-based woodblock (moku hanga) classes regularly at Zea Mays Printmaking, Florence MA 413-584-1783 zeamaysprintmaking.com
Laura Boswell in Winslow, England teaches linocut and Moku Hanga at area schools and in her studio. Her work can be seen at several galleries in the U.K. In 2009 she spent eight weeks at the Nagasawa Art Park in Japan, studying traditional Japanese printmaking techniques. She is willing to set up one-on-one studio days with those interested in an intensive learning session. http://www.lauraboswell.co.uk/index.php
Mary Brodbeck is using moku hanga to print her series "Thirty-Six Views of Lake Superior." She studied moku hanga in Japan and has taught at the Kalamazoo Institute of the Arts and Frogman's Print & Paper Workshops as well as other schools and at her studio. Her work is shown nationally and internationally. You can contact Mary through her web site www.marybrodbeck.com
Matt Brown, long-time moku hanga printmaker who lives in the northeast, shows his work at festivals and galleries in that area and teaches several workshops using the Japanese hanga method each Spring. He has taught at Snow Farm (http://www.snowfarm.org), the Concord Art Association (http://www.concordart.org), Anderson Ranch (http://www.andersonranch.org), and the Art Students League of Denver (http://www.asld.org). You can check out his work and teaching calendar at www.ooloopress.com
David Curcio, proprietor of Ningyo Editions in Watertown, MA teaches Moku Hanga as well as other printmaking styles at the studio. David received his MFA from Pratt Institute in New York with a focus on printmaking. He has taught printmaking at schools and universities domestically and abroad. In 2005 he attended a residency in Japanese woodcut printing on Awaji Island, Japan, and in 2006 he served as Artist-in-Residence at the Holualoa Foundation for Art and Culture on the island of Hawai'i. For a current list of David's classes, go to ningyoeditions.com
Kathy Caraccio studied at Herbert Lehman College where she earned her B.F.A. She has taught printmaking at New York University, Columbia University, and Pratt Institute. Her work is found in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Montclair Museum of Art, NJ, the Portland Museum, and the Gilky Center for Graphic Art in Oregon. Ms. Caraccio gives classes in several printmaking styles, including monotypes and Japanese techniques, at her studio in New York, NY. You can contact her at 212-594-9662 or kathy [at] kcaraccio.com or visit her web site at www.kcaraccio.com
Elizabeth Forrest offers small classes in Moku Hanga in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at her studio. Learn more about mokuhanga and its Japanese traditions and contemporary applications at www.elizabethforrest.ca. To inquire about upcoming Moku Hanga workshops (beginner to advanced), email Elizabeth at workshop.mokuhanga [at] gmail.com.
Will Francis in the U.K. offers individual online Moku Hanga instruction and is hoping to begin teaching workshops as well. Contact him if you are interested in collaborating with Will to create a print or looking for a Moku Hanga printmaker who accepts commissions. francishanga.com
Takuji Hamanaka offers water-based woodblock classes regularly at
Manhattan Graphics Center, New York, NY 212-219-8783
and at The Center for Book Art, New York, NY 212-481-0295
He also teaches occasionally at The Center for Contemporary
Printmaking in Norwalk, Connecticut, 203-899-7999
and at Pyramid Atlantic in Silver Spring, MD 301-608-9101
Mr. Hamanaka is a teacher and freelance printer. He was
an apprentice at the Adachi Woodblock Printing Studio in
Tokyo, Japan. He learned printing methods by reproducing
prints of old Japanese masters such as Hokusai, Hiroshige,
Utamaro, and others. He has worked at the Water Print
Studio in Tokyo and at the Watanabe Studio in Brooklyn.
Jennifer Harper has a fully-equipped printmaking studio suitable for small groups and private lessons in Eustis, Florida. She offers Open Studio on Wednesday evenings and occasional workshops for all skill levels. She is also willing to teach at your location. Presses are available by appointment. email: jenhpr [at] gmail.com phone: 321-961-1650. Website: harperprintmakingstudio.com
Bridget Henry teaches at the University of California Santa Cruz and also offers workshops in reductive woodcut. Her classes include learning how to transfer images, set up a registration system, prepare paper and print. You can contact Bridget through her web site, bridgetmaryhenry.com.
Daniel Heyman was the sole American artist
invited to the Nagasawa Art Park Pilot Program on Awaji Island
in Japan in 2002, where he was trained by Japanese master craftsmen
in moku hanga, the art of Japanese woodblock printmaking. He
has taught at several universities, The Rhode Island School
of Design and The Tyler School of Art, and he also teaches moku
hanga workshops during the summer.
Daniel recently returned from a trip to Amman, Jordan where
he took part in interviews with former detainees from Abu
Ghraib prison. A series of portraits that will eventually
be made into a book can be seen at www.danielheyman.com/.
For more information about Daniel and to see his work, go
to www.danielheyman.com.
Wuon Gean Ho lives in London but travels to the U.S. frequently to teach woodblock techniques. She graduated with a BA in History of Art and a professional license as a veterinary surgeon from Cambridge University, before accepting a Japanese Government Scholarship in 1998 to study woodblock printmaking in Japan. Her work includes silkscreen, woodcut, linocut, etchings and artist’s books. She has been "making prints for 25 years about fantastical dreams and loveable beasts." You can see her prints on her web site at www.wuongean.com or blog http://printplay.wordpress.com
Jim Horton has been an instructor of wood engraving and letterpress printing for 36 years. He has a keen interest in the traditions and practices of wood engraving and his own work ranges from job printing to limited-edition prints. Jim is a member of and driving force behind the Wood Engravers' Network. He lives in Ann Arbor, MI and teaches classes in wood engraving around the country. You can contact Jim at jimhorton [at] sbcglobal.net.
Ray Hudson has worked with woodblock prints since 1971 and taught for 30 years. In addition to traditional western printing, Ray was a student of Lu Fang, at the Zhejiang Fine Arts Academy in Hangzhou, Peoples Republic of China. His work has been exhibited in Alaska, Vermont, and Russia. He has taught for Horizons: The New England Crafts Program Elderhostel at Snow Farm and for the Vermont State Craft Center (Frog Hollow). Look for Ray's classes listed by those organizations.
Linda Kelen teaches white-line woodblock printmaking at Peninsula School of Art in Fish Creek, WI. Linda is a uniquely versatile artist who also draws, paints, does cartography, carves soap and virgin EPS foam (lindakelen-artings.blogspot.com/2009/08/art-for-documentary.html), makes woodcuts and jewelry, and more. She studied at the School of Art Institute of Chicago, the University of Chicago and Haystack. Linda also studied Moku Hanga with Richard Steiner of Japan. You can see her white-line work at lindakelen-woodprints.blogspot.com or follow all of her artistic interests at lindakelen-artings.blogspot.com.
Catherine Kernan teaches monotype and monoprint using Akua water-based ink. Among many other places, she has taught at Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, RI, School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, MA, Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Snowmass, CO and Making Art Safely in Santa Fe, NM. Her web site is www.catherinekernan.com. You can contact Catherine directly for information about upcoming workshops by emailing her at catherinekernan [at] comcast.net.
Tom Killion has made books and prints inspired by his travels and the landscape of northern California, where he lives. His work has been exhibited extensively nationally and internationally. He teaches his style of Japanese woodblock printmaking at least once a year at The San Francisco Center for the Book. You can see his work on his website, www.tomkillion.com
Karen Kunc has taught at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln since 1983. She has developed a unique style of woodblock printing, which she uses to create abstract works influenced by the Japanese style of printing. Among numerous awards, Kunc won a 1996 Fulbright Award for study in Iceland and was invited to the Nagasawa Art Park Artist-in-Residence Program in Japan. She has also exhibited her work extensively both in the United States and abroad. Karen often travels around the country to teach printmaking. Watch for her classes at various art schools or visit her website for an up-to-date list: www.karen-kunc.com
Mike Lyon is a teacher, painter, woodworker and printmaker devoted to traditional Japanese woodblock printmaking, which he studied under Hiroki Morinoue. Mike's work is in numerous collections, including The Daum Museum of Contemporary Art, the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art and The Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art. His work has been widely exhibited in the USA and abroad, with a 2004 solo exhibition at Ezoshi Gallery in Kyoto, Japan. He manages prints exchanges for the Baren Forum and teaches regularly at Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Colorado and The Center for Contemporary Printmaking in Connecticut. To learn more, visit mlyon.com
Jennifer Mack-Watkins lectured at the 2nd International Mokuhanga Conference at the Tokyo University of the Arts and was selected for the Mokuhanga Innovation Laboratory artist-in-residence program in Yamanashi, Japan in 2015. She also lectured and exhibited at the 3rd International Mokuhanga Conference in Hawaii on the campus of University of Hawaii- Manoa in 2017. She had studied at Morris Brown College where she obtained a BA degree in studio arts, received a Masters degree in Art Education from Tufts University, and an MFA in Printmaking from Pratt Institute. Her work has been widely exhibited and collected in galleries, private institutions, and museums. She lives and works in New York and New Jersey, and is available for lectures and demonstrations as well as teaching children's workshops. jennifermack.com [at] gmail.com, mackjennifer.com
María Massone from Buenos Aires, Argentina teaches Moku Hanga at her studio. She is also the Academic coordinator of the program "The Universe Ukiyo" at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the Buenos Aires University. Massone is a researcher interested in the Edo Period as well as an artist, so her classes include both theoretical and practical training covering traditional Japanese wood printmaking and its contemporary variations. Her interests have led her to redesign tools and other Moku Hanga supplies using natural materials available in Argentina. She studied with Hiroki Morinoue, Katsutoshi Yuasa and Hidehiko Gotou. You can contact her at massonenacha [at] gmail.com.
Terry McKenna runs printmaking residencies at the Karuizawa Mokuhanga School in Karuizawa, Japan where he lives. He also returns regularly to Australia and New Zealand to teach his popular Mokuhanga workshops there. He was a student of Richard Steiner in Kyoto, Japan from whom he earned his teacher name, Touraku. If you cannot travel to Japan, Terry has developed an extensive series of online Mokuhanga classes which you can find on his website: mokuhanga-school.jp
Carl Montford in Seattle, WA teaches engraving one-on-one in three hour sessions for a very reasonable price. He is also host of The Rain City Engravers, a group that meets monthly for coffee, comparing proofs and engraving talk. Excellent teacher, excellent artist. You can contact Carl at 206-935-3414 or candbmontford [at] quidnunc.net.
Hiroki Morinoue teaches woodblock printmaking in the Japanese style through the Holualoa Foundation for Arts and Culture at the Donkey Mill Art Center on the big island in Hawai'i, and frequently travels to the mainland to teach as well. For a list of classes through the Holualoa Foundation for the Arts and Culture go to www.donkeymillartcenter.org
Tomoko Murakami embraces both traditional and contemporary approaches to the art of woodblock printmaking. She has taught at Studio One and Adobe Art Center in the San Francisco Bay area; currently she is teaching moku hanga at the Kala Art Institute in Berkeley, CA.
Yoonmi Nam studied Moku Hanga at Nagasawa Art Park in Japan and continued her studies at MI-LAB, also in Japan. Professor Nam teaches Moku Hanga classes every year in the Department of Visual Art at the University of Kansas and organizes summer study abroad trips to MI-LAB for her University students. She has taught week-long summer workshops at Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Snowmass, Colorado and Frogman’s Printmaking Workshop in Omaha, Nebraska and is regularly invited to give short Moku Hanga demonstrations and workshops at universities across the U.S. You can contact her at yoonminam [at] gmail.com or learn more at yoonminam.com.
Walt Padgett has taught moku hanga for many years. While on sabbatical documenting the historic sites depicted in the "53 Stations of the Tokaido" print series of Hiroshige and Sekino, Walt studied Japanese woodblock printmaking at the Yoshida Hanga Academy in Tokyo. To learn more about Walt's art or to contact him about his current class schedule, please go to waltpadgett.com
Eva Pietzcker studied Moku Hanga at the famous Nagasawa Art Park Pilot Program in Japan. She is the co-founder of druckstelle, a printmaking studio in Berlin, Germany where she teaches traditional Japanese woodblock. You can see her work at www.pietzcker.de and find a listing of workshops at www.druckstelle.info/en/index.htm.
Ron Pokrasso has been an exhibiting artist and printmaker for more than 25 years with over 40 solo exhibitions. His work is in public, private, and corporate collections throughout the U.S. and abroad as well as numerous galleries. Ron's workshops bring together monotype, Solarplate, collage and other processes to create unique, mixed media prints. To see his work, workshop descriptions and schedule, go to www.ronpokrasso.com
Rosanne Retz brings both traditional and contemporary approaches to woodblock printmaking. She has taught at the U of MA at Amherst since 1977 and exhibited widely in the U.S. and abroad. During the summer, Rosanne teaches printmaking in Finland. You can reach her at retz [at] art.umass.edu or learn more at people.umass.edu/retz
Corinne Rhodes trained as a professional fine art printer at Tamarind Institute and has worked at several printmaking workshops. She teaches lithography and woodcut printmaking techniques at Cherry Press, the Worcester Art Museum and elsewhere. Corinne has worked at several printmaking studios cross the U.S. and her work has been exhibited across the U.S., in Canada, Mexico and the U.K. For a full bio and a list of her current classes and workshops, please contact Corinne at corinne [at] cherrypress.org or visit her shop website at cherrypress.org.
Fontaine Rodgers is a long-time art teacher who teaches privately, as well as adult and youth workshops, primarily at the Crealdé School of Art in Winter Park, FL. Her focus is on drawing, printmaking and Sumi-e painting and she can work with you to customize a workshop. Email: fontaine.rodgers [at] gmail.com Website: fontainerodgers.com
Yasuyuki (Yasu) Shibata teaches in the School of Art at The Cooper Union in New York city. He is a master printmaker for Pace Editions and practitioner of moku hanga. He has collaborated with Helen Frankenthaler and Chuck Close along with many other artists.
Keiji Shinohara is a master woodblock printmaker who studied moku hanga for ten years in Kyoto, Japan. His work is displayed at the Library of Congress, the Fine Art Museum of San Francisco and the Cleveland Museum of Art. He teaches at Wesleyan University in Middleton, CT and conducts workshops around the country during the summer. You can contact Mr. Shinohara by emailing kshinohara [at] wesleyan.edu.
Annie Silverman is a printmaker, book artist and educator living in Somerville, MA. In addition to conducting artist residencies in public schools with teachers and teenaged students, she was on the board of Raw Art Works, an art studio for youth in Lynn Massachusetts. Annie also offers classes in woodblock printmaking to the general public. For information about her and a schedule of workshops, go to babel.massart.edu/~asilverman/ or email Annie at anniesil [at] earthlink.net.
Alfred Stark fell in love with Moku Hanga while learning to make handmade, Japanese-style paper kites. He currently teaches Moku Hanga at The Clearing Folk School in Ellison Bay Wisconsin and Shake Rag Alley in Mineral Point Wisconsin. Alfred has a B.F.A. in drawing from Northern Illinois University and has shown work in many regional, national and international shows. Currently you can find his work at Woodwalk Gallery in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin and at Longbranch Gallery in Mineral Point, Wisconsin and on his web site www.patreon.com/starkalfred. Please feel free to contact Alfred at stark_alfred [at] yahoo.com. He is always looking for new places to teach Moku Hanga and would love to teach in your town.
Richard Steiner lives in Kyoto, Japan where he teaches Moku Hanga to Japanese and foreigner students, both privately and at Kyoto Seika University. Occasionally he travels to the U.S. and Europe to teach as well. He is the founder of KIWA (Kyoto International Woodprint Association), the first association dedicated solely to collecting and exhibiting contemporary woodblock prints. Richard’s work can be seen in many national and international museums, collections and galleries; you can see his work and find a list of his workshops at his web site, www.richard-steiner.net.
Tom Virgin teaches relief printmaking to kids and adults. His work has been featured in many exhibits around the country. He recently finished an artist's book about traveling to Key West. Tom is interested in doing workshops, especially in the summer time. You can email Tom at Virgland [at] aol.com or visit his web site at www.tomvirgin.com
April Vollmer is an artist who teaches mokuhanga workshops around the country. Ms. Vollmer holds a B.F.A. and M.F.A. from Hunter College, NYC; she studied mokuhanga with Bill Paden and Tetsuya Noda in New York, before participating in the Nagasawa Art Park Program in 2004. Her prints have been exhibited around the world and she has written extensively on the subject of printmaking. For an up-to-date list of her classes please visit www.aprilvollmer.com.
Nick Wroblewski focuses on making large multicolor woodcuts and has developed a distinct aesthetic reminiscent of the stylized Japanese masters, yet uniquely his own. His work depicts the reverence he has for conversations of the wild and loyalty to the honesty of handcrafted arts. Nick's work can be seen in private collections and galleries throughout the country. He lives and prints from his home studio in the Driftless region of Wisconsin and teaches regularly at North House Folk School in Grand Marais, Minnesota: northhouse.org. To see a video of Nick creating a print, click here: vimeo.com/81210962 To contact Nick, go to his web site: nickwroblewski.com