With business booming, Richard retiring (kind of) and Brandon off rocking his nursing career, we’ve been slightly busy. That brings us to our big news:
Please give a warm welcome to Pete Russo! Pete came to McClain’s with a boat load of printmaking knowledge. He got his BFA at UMass Amherst and has experience with woodcut, intaglio, litho & photopolymer, not to mention the Moku Hanga workshop he attended at Kala in Berkeley. As if all that didn’t put us on cloud nine – Pete is also a computer whizz! He runs his own web design and maintenance business and has totally blown our minds with reconfiguring our email system. Yay Pete!
Pete’s website: ninepoundhead
We know October is a long way off but we’re too excited to keep a secret. We’re going to the Mid America Print Council Conference! Flights and hotel rooms have been booked, registrations have been emailed/snail mailed and lists are being made. We plan to bring our new Work Sharp WS3000 motorized tool sharpener. We’ll be doing sharpening demos with it, so bring your dull tools and we will help you get them back into shape. Hope to see you there!
The Drachen Foundation is taking submissions for Moku Hanga prints to be made into kites and displayed at the KIWA exhibition and the First Annual Moku Hanga Conference in Kyoto, Japan.
After the shows in Japan, the kites, along with kites by Nobuhiko Yoshizumi, Scott Skinner and other guest printmakers will be exhibited at Cullom Gallery in Seattle and the Mighty Tieton Gallery in Tieton, Washingtion.