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Engraving Tools
Engraving Tools - Lozenge Burin

Lozenge Burin

Engraving Tools - Lozenge Burin Tip

Burins (English name: gravers) are traditionally used on copper plates, and also work very well for carving end grain wood or Resingrave.

Engraving Tools - Square Burin

Square Burin

Engraving Tools - Square Burin Tip

Please note that these blades are thin and break easily if used with too much force. The metal is strong, but there is not very much of it there. Recommended for experienced carvers only.

Shipping weight: 0.1 lb


  Size Price Quantity
C3702 square #2 $11.41

C3704 square #4 $11.41

C3722 lozenge #2 $11.86

C3724 lozenge #4 $11.86

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