Akua Pin Press with Crescent Handles
Monotype printmakers no longer need to purchase a huge, heavy press, especially when they are printing with the new water based inks. With the PinPress you have a high performance press for a fraction of the cost. Plus you are no longer tied to your studio. The PinPress is light enough to take wherever you want to go.
Don't mistake the PinPress for the rolling pin in your kitchen drawer. This pin is machined to an incredibly even and smooth surface, 20 to 30 times smoother than any rolling pin, for uniform contact between the PinPress, paper and plate, and high quality results.
Likewise, don't mistake the PinPress for an etching press. No matter how hard you press, you cannot exert the same force that an etching press can. That means not as much ink will transfer from the plate to the paper. So prints may look softer or show some texture, depending on the paper you use, compared to prints pulled using an etching press.
For best results use a piece of tempered plate glass as the press bed. The PinPress works best taking impressions from very flat surfaces such as mylar, thin acrylic or polycarbonate Monotype Plates.
The PinPress performs very well with Akua Liquid Pigment inks for monotype printmaking on dry or wet paper. When using other watercolors or tempura, lightly coat the printing plate with gum arabic first to help the pigments transfer to damp paper. If you are using oil based inks, it is a good idea to add Burnt Plate or Miracle Gel to reduce the tack and get a good release.
The metal roller spins on bronze bushings and the rounded edges at the ends prevent tearing or embossing the paper. The result is a very smooth, comfortable, gliding action as you power the PinPress across the plate.
The crescent handles swivel to create a stand when the press is not in use.